Palm Sunday (24 March)
9.15am & 11am | Morning Worship
Our Palm Sunday service will be held in-person at 9.15am and 11am. The 11am service, which inlcudes youth and children's ministry, will be live-streamed to our online church platform and YouTube channel.
Monday 25 March - Easter Sunday (25 March - 31 March)
7am | Start The Day With Scripture
Every day, Monday 25 March to Easter Sunday, you are invited to join us as often as you can at 7am for 10-15 minutes as we listen to Scriptures telling the Easter narrative. These gatherings will be hosted via Zoom. Please contact the church office to receive the link or look out for the ChurchSuite notifications near the time.
Maundy Thursday (28 March)
7pm | Reflective Communion & Meal
Join us in-person as we share a meal together, followed by a reflective communion service, as we remember the events of The Last Supper, Maundy Thursday. For more details and to sign up, click here.
Good Friday (29 March)
11am | Combined Outdoor Worship With Other Churches
We will meet outdoors with four other churches for a combined time of worship at the bandstand on the Quomps. Bring a deckchair or a rug to sit on! Should the weather be forecast as bad, the service will be held indoors at GodFirst Church (24 hours notice will be given). We will also have a marquee with craft activities for children to enjoy. Why not bring a picnic to enjoy afterwards.
Easter Day (31 March)
11am | Easter Morning Celebration Service At Moorlands College
Join us for our Easter Celebration Service at Moorlands College. We are looking forward to worshipping the risen Christ together! We will also be celebrating a couple of believers' baptisms!