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Kids Church Online

Following Government and Public Health England advice, our youth and children's groups are not able to meet on a Sunday!  However, this doesn't mean the teaching needs to stop!  We've created some excting resources which you might like to use with your children.

Sunday 11 April 2021- Let's Explore

Believe It Or Not 
Today, we consider the Bible verse from John 3:16

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" 

We accept Jesus' love for us and believe that He is alive, even though we didn't see Him for ourselves.

Video from Josh: Hearing From God


What are some of the things you believe about Jesus?

Who has helped you learn about Jesus and to believe in Jesus?

In what ways can you show you believe that Jesus is alive?

Passion Week  - Sunday 28th March to Sunday 4th April

Prayer Activties: Guide For Daily Activities

Sunday 28th March

  • Morning: Palm Sunday
  • Evening: Instructions In The Guide

Monday 29th March

  • Morning: Instructions In The Guide
  • Evening: Instructions In The Guide

Tuesday 30th March

Wednesday 31st March

Thursday 1st April

Friday 2nd April

Saturday 3rd April

Sunday 4th April

Sunday 28 March 2021- Let's Explore

Palm Sunday 
Today, we consider the Bible verse from Zechariah 9:9

"Rejoice, O people of Zion! Shout in triumph, O people of Jerusalem!  Look, your king is coming to you. He is righteous and victorious, yet he is humble, riding on a donkey, riding on a donkey's colt." 

Jesus, riding the colt, knew his destiny. He was in truth the King of the Jews – but in order to be the true King he had to choose to die: to overthrow death and to establish an everlasting Kingdom. Jesus is the King, but a King of different priorities.

Video from Josh: Palm Sunday


Why did Jesus enter Jerusalem on a donkey?

How did the people in the crowds feel?

How do you feel knowing Jesus is a mighty King and knows us?


Sunday 21 March 2021- Let's Explore

Bible And Books
Today, we consider the Bible verse from Psalm 32:8

"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you." 

The Bible is a collection of books that tells us the good news about Jesus and helps us grow in God's family.

Video from Chloe: Bible And Books


What good news do you learn about Jesus from reading the Bible?

How does the Bible help us grow in God's family?

When can you read or hear about God's Word?

What are some of the ways the Bible tells us to live?

Sunday 14 March 2021- Let's Explore

God Helps Us
Today, we consider the Bible verse from Psalm 118:6-7 (NCV)

"I will not be afraid, because the Lord is with me. People can't do anything to me. The Lord is with me to help me..."

Because He promises to be with us, God can help us even when we're worried or afraid.

Video from Josh: God Helps Us


What might you feel afraid of or worried about?

What are some of the ways God helps us?

What other promises does God give us?

Sunday 7 March 2021- Let's Explore

Lighting The Way!
Today, we consider the Bible verse from Joshua 1:9

"Be strong and courageous... do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

In all situations, we can count on God to give us the courage we need.

Video from Hannah: Lighting The Way!


What does it mean to have courage?

When are the times you need courage?

Why can we always depend on receiving courage from God?

Sunday 28 February 2021- Let's Explore

Emergency Kit!
Today, we consider the Bible verse from Psalm 119:66

"Teach me knowledge and good judgement, for I believe in your commands."

To have good judgement means to be wise and know the right things to do and say. We know that we can depend on God to help us be wise and make good choices.

Video from Josh: Emergency Kit!


What promises in God's Word do you remember?

What instructions in God's Word do you remember?

Who is someone God has given you to help you learn what God wants you to do?

Sunday 21 February 2021- Let's Explore

Measure Up!
Today, we consider the Bible verse from John 15:13

"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."

Jesus loved us so much He was willing to die, taking the punishment for our sins. His love for us can't be measured.

Video from Chloe: Measure Up!


Can we measure God's love?

Do we deserve God's love? 

Why does Jesus' sacrifice matter so much?

How can we love others the same way God loves us?

Sunday 14 February 2021- Let's Explore

Feelings Mask!
Today, we consider the Bible verse from 1 Corinthians 13:7

"(Love) always protects, always tursts, alwyas hopes, always perseveres."

God loves us so much he will always forgive us for the wrong things we do, if we feel truly sorry and ask for His forgiveness.

Video from Hannah: Feelings Mask!


What might you want to ask God's forgiveness?

When is a good time to ask God to forgive us?

How do we know that God will forgive us?

What are some of the ways to celebrate God's forgiveness of our sins?

Sunday 7 February 2021- Let's Explore

Listen, Watch And Pray!
Today, we consider the Bible verse from Exodus 15:26

"Listen carefully to the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in his eyes."

God wants us to listen for our whole lives. No matter what age we are we can listen to God and hear from Him.     

Video from Chloe: Listen, Watch And Pray!


Who are some people you listen to?

How can we listen to God?

When might it be hard to remember to listen to God?

Who are some people who help you listen to God?

How can you help others listen to God?

Sunday 31 January 2021- Let's Explore

Praise The Lord!
Today, we consider the Bible verse from Colossians 3:23 

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not men." 

God gives us abilities and wants us to be faithful in using them. When we are "Working for the Lord' it means we are trying to do our best to show our love for God.     

Video from Hannah: Praise The Lord!


What does it mean to be faithful?

What are some of the things you like to do or are good at doing?

What are some ways to be faithful in using the abilites God has given you?

How can you use those abilites to service God oe help others?

Sunday 24 January 2021- Let's Explore

What's Dependable?
Today, we consider the Bible verse from Jeremiah 17:7

"Blessed is the Man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him." 

No matter what sitaution we find ourselves in we can depend on God, he will always be there for us and always listens to us.     

Video from Josh: What's Dependable?


When do we need to depend on God's help? 

What can you do when you need to remember God's help?

Sunday 16 August 2020 - Babel And The Tower
Through the summer we will be sharing together in other ways. We are also following the teaching 'More Than A Sunday School Story'.  Today, we consider the story of the tower of Babel. Our Bible story is found in Genesis 11:1-9.

 Activities For Everyone

Under 5's Activities

6 -11 Year Old's Activities

Sunday 9 August 2020 - Cain And Able
Through the summer we will be sharing together in other ways. We are also following the teaching 'More Than A Sunday School Story'.  Today, we consider the story of Cain and Able. Our Bible story is found in Genesis 4:1-18.

 Activities For Everyone

Under 5's Activities

6 -11 Year Old's Activities

Sunday 2 August 2020 - Eve And The Snake
Through the summer we will be sharing together in other ways. We are following the teaching 'More Than A Sunday School Story'.  Today, we consider the story of Eve and the snake. Our Bible story is found in Genesis 3:1-24.

 Activities For Everyone

Under 5's Activities

6 -11 Year Old's Activities

Sunday 26 July 2020 - Adam And Eve
Through the summer we will be sharing together in other ways. We are following the teaching 'More Than A Sunday School Story'.  Today, we consider the story of Adam and Eve. Our Bible story is found in Genesis 2:1-25.

 Activities For Everyone

Under 5's Activities

6 -11 Year Old's Activities

Sunday 19 July 2020 - Stand Firm And Stick-In
We are exploring what it means to stand firm and stick-in.  Today, we consider the story of Paul and King Agrippa. Also one of Paul's example of following Jesus. Our Bible stories are found in Acts 26:19-31 and Hebrews 12:1-2

Activities For Everyone

Under 5's Activities

6 -11 Year Old's Activities

Sunday 12 July 2020 - Stand By And Shine
We are exploring what it means to stand by and shine.  Today, we consider the story of Paul and what Jesus said about being a light. Our Bible stories are found in Acts 26:17-18 and Matthew 5:13-16

Activities For Everyone

Under 5's Activities

6 -11 Year Old's Activities

Sunday 05 July 2020 - Church Camp Weekend
We are not uploading any content this weekend because it would have been Church Camp if it weren't for COVID-19!!  Why not watch an episode or two of Superbook!  Click the image below:

Sunday 28 June 2020 - Stand Out And Serve
We are exploring what it means to stand out and serve.  Today, we consider the story of Paul, and Jesus' example to us our Bible stories are found in Acts 26:15-16, and John 13:1-17

Activities For Everyone

Under 5's Activities

6 -11 Year Old's Activities

Sunday 21 June 2020 - Stand Up And Speak
We are exploring what it means to stand up and speak.  Today, we consider the story of Paul, our Bible stories are found in Acts 26:1-16 and Acts 9:1-22

Activities For Everyone

Under 5's Activities

6 -11 Year Old's Activities

Sunday 14 June 2020 - Church Family
We are exploring what is Church?  Today, we consider what is church and our church family, our Bible stories are found in Acts 2:42-47 and 1 Corinthians 12:12-27

Activities For Everyone

Under 5's Activities

6 -11 Year Old's Activities

Sunday 7 June 2020 - Holy Spirit
We are exploring the Holy Spirit.  Today, we consider the fruit of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit as our helper, our Bible stories are found in Galatians 5:22-25 and John 1:43-51.

Activities For Everyone

Under 5's Activities

6 -11 Year Old's Activities

Sunday 31 May 2020 - Pentecost
We are exploring what happen at Pentecost.  Today, we consider the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came, our Bible story is found in Acts 2:1-21.

Activities For Everyone

Under 5's Activities

6 -11 Year Old's Activities

Sunday 24 May 2020 - Jesus' Ascension
We are exploring what happen after Easter.  Today, we consider the final instructions Jesus gave to his disciples and our Bible story is found in Acts 1:1-14.

Activities For Everyone

Under 5's Activities

6 -11 Year Old's Activities

Sunday 17 May 2020 - Attitude
We are exploring the character of a Christian and living like Jesus.  Today, our theme is attitude and our Bible story is Numbers 13:17-29, 14:1-9.

Activities For Everyone

Under 5's Activities

6 -11 Year Old's Activities

Sunday 10 May 2020 - Thankfulness
We are exploring the character of a Christian and living like Jesus.  Today, our theme is thankfulness and our Bible story is Luke 17:11-19

Activities For Everyone

Under 5's Activities

6 -11 Year Old's Activities

Sunday 3 May 2020 - Self-Control
We are exploring the character of a Christian and living like Jesus.  Today, our theme is self-control and our Bible story is Luke 15:11-31.

Activities For Everyone

Under 5's Activities

6 -11 Year Old's Activities

Sunday 26 April 2020 - Gentleness
We are exploring the character of a Christian and living like Jesus.  Today, our theme is gentleness and our Bible story is John 8:1-11.

Activities For Everyone

Under 5's Activities

6 -11 Year Old's Activities

Sunday 19 April 2020 - Faithfulness
Today we are exploring the character of a Christian and living like Jesus. We will be exploring faithfulness. Our Bible stories are found in Matthew 21:28-32 and Matthew 25:14-29.

Activities For Everyone

Under 5's Activities

6 -11 Year Old's Activities

Sunday 12 April 2020 - Easter Sunday
Today we are thinking about Easter Sunday.  Our Bible story is about Jesus' Resurrection in Luke 24:1-12.

Activities For Everyone

Under 5's Activities

6 -11 Year Old's Activities

Sunday 5 April 2020 - Palm Sunday
Today we are thinking about Palm Sunday.  Our Bible story is about when Jesus comes to Jerusalem as King in Luke 19:28-40

Activities For Everyone

Under 5's Activities

6 -11 Year Old's Activities

Sunday 29 March 2020 - Building On A Solid Foundation
Today we are thinking about how Jesus is our strong foundation.  Our Bible story is the parable of the wise and foolish builders in Matthew 7:24-29:


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